How to Purchase Stablebonds?

Purchase process step-by-step.

Purchasing Stablebonds through Etherfuse is a process designed for accessibility and security. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the buying process:

1. Get Whitelisted Here!

Begin by getting whitelisted on Etherfuse. This is a crucial initial step to ensure eligibility and compliance with regulatory standards. Get whitelisted here.

2. Visit the Stablebonds Platform

Go to, the dedicated platform for Stablebond transactions.

3. Complete KYC (Know Your Customer) Process

Undergo the KYC process, a standard procedure in financial transactions, to verify your identity and ensure compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.

4. Select Your Bond

Browse and select from a variety of bond options. Each bond comes with detailed information to help you make an informed choice.

5. Purchase Bond with USDC

Complete your purchase using USDC, a stablecoin tied to the US dollar. This step marks the finalization of your purchase in the chosen Stablebond.

Investment Requirements and Cycles

  • Etherfuse ensures a low entry barrier, making Stablebonds accessible to a wide range of buyers.

  • Cycles vary, providing flexibility and catering to different acquisition strategies.

  • Returns on Stablebonds are competitive and aligned with the innovative nature of the product.

Investing in Stablebonds is not just a financial decision; it's a step into the future of blockchain-based financial instruments, combining traditional stability with modern technology.

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