🎱Credible Pool FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about our Stablebond pool at Credible

Frequently Asked Questions

1. After the 30-day lock-up, do I get back the same amount of USDC invested initially?

Yes, after the 30-day lock-up period, you will receive your original principal back in USDC. However, keep in mind that CETES are denominated in MXN, so there is some currency risk associated with fluctuations in the exchange rate. While the value of your CETES tokens increases based on the MXN value, your payouts are always made in USDC.

2. Is the yield paid out in USDC or CETES, and if both, what’s the ratio?

The yield is entirely paid out in USDC, providing stable returns shielded from the fluctuations of the MXN or other currencies. This ensures consistent and reliable access to your earnings, even if the bond is based on foreign currencies.

3. After the 30-day lock-up, can I withdraw anytime, or do I have to wait another 30 days?

After the initial 30-day lock-up period, you can withdraw your funds weekly. There’s no need to wait for another lock-up period, giving you greater control and liquidity over your investment.

4. What happens to the CETES that I receive as airdrops?

The CETES that you receive as airdrops remain in your wallet and continue to accrue yield. Their value will increase over time, and you can monitor this through the Etherfuse platform. These tokens function like liquid staking tokens (LSTs), whose value increases as the yield accrues.

5. How does investing in Stablebonds protect me from crypto volatility?

Stablebonds are backed by real-world assets like government bonds, drastically reducing the volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies. This means your investment is far more stable, providing consistent returns without the wild fluctuations of other digital assets.

6. What makes Stablebonds different from traditional bonds?

Stablebonds combine traditional bonds' reliability with blockchain technology's flexibility and transparency. They offer the security of government-backed bonds with the added benefit of decentralized, borderless finance, allowing for easier access, management, and growth.

7. Can I invest in Stablebonds using my crypto wallet?

Yes! Stablebonds are seamlessly integrated with your crypto wallet through the Etherfuse app. The process is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing you to invest in and manage your Stablebonds like any other digital asset.

8. What happens at the maturity of my Stablebond?

At maturity, you can claim the bond's par value and any interest accrued over the investment period. This payout is made in USDC, ensuring you receive a stable and consistent return on your investment.

For more, please go to Credible.finance

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